Another Way To Look At "Not Putting All Your Eggs In One Basket"

Diana Eskander

We’ve all heard the expression, don’t put all your eggs in one basket, especially when it comes to dating.

And what people typically mean by this, is try dating more than one person at a time.

Which I agree with, in some cases.

People with anxious attachment who attach themselves to someone “too quickly” can do  well with this approach, because it lowers the stakes and keeps their opportunities diversified.

But blanket advice is totally not my thing.

If you’re at all familiar with human design, a projector design type does not have the same sustained energy as someone who’s a generator by design.

Asking a projector to go on multiple dates with multiple people, while juggling work and life, is a recipe for dating burnout, and giving up.

Another way to look at spreading your eggs across different baskets?

Simply focus on different areas of your life.

So rather than baskets being different men, baskets get to be different areas of your life.

You know…







It’s about keeping your life diversified, and not hyper focused on one area – or one person.

It’s so simple, we often overlook it.

If dating multiple people at the same time just isn’t your thing.

That is totally ok.

Stay focused on the richness of your life, and spreading your eggs where you feel most inspired.

How’s that for a breath of fresh air?

With love,
