A 12-month journey to embody the lover who receives, the mother who puts herself first and the woman who makes bank living her best life.


Activated Offer:

The first two women who apply and join us in The Portal of Love by paying in full before March 28th will receive a Self Centered Woman day either with Diana in Montreal (flight + hotel not covered), or in their own city (includes lunch, spa treatment and a surprise) + a 3-day group mastermind inside Telegram with Diana (value = $3,333).

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Designed for the woman who’s in a relationship or calling in love, who knows in the deepest part of her being that she gets to be in partnership without needing to sacrifice or over give. Who gets to remain feminine and free and trust she’ll be held by the masculine - by men and money.

Portal of Love is NOT a program.

It’s a frequency.

And once you’re plugged in, it’s only a matter of time before you feel like the woman you’ve so often admired. Confident, relaxed, thriving and in love.

This is your invitation to walk with a sisterhood of wise women on this journey to love, while being supported by expert Love & Relationship Mentor, Diana Eskander.



 I met the most amazing man

He is the kindest and most beautiful soul, and treats me like a queen. He calls me angel woman I am so grateful for all that you taught me, through your guidance, I’ve been able to cultivate a deep sense of self value and now I’m seeing it mirrored back through this man. Love you, Diana! Thank you for all you do!!"


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 When I met Jack, love of my life in 2013, I remember thinking to myself -

“Wow, I’m so lucky to have this man in my life. And he’s so lucky, TOO.” It was the very first time I could feel, sense and know my worth IN A RELATIONSHIP. Maybe you can relate. I always knew my value until I really cared for someone. My value relied on them caring for me, too.

I used to contort myself, and focus all my energy outwards 

“How does he see me?”

“Does he value me?”

“What can I do to show him how amazing I am.”

“How’s our relationship doing?”

“Will he stay?”

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But with Jack, everything was different.

I had practiced seeing and loving myself for so long that I could still see and love myself in the relationship with him.

Instead of focusing out, I focused in,

Without even knowing it, I was playing with polarity. 

All my inward focus drew his attention toward me.

And that’s when the codes started pouring down on me and what I’m here to help you learn and embody:

Who you are being is far more powerful than anything you are doing. Especially when it comes to men.

Because while a woman unconsciously looks to see how a man shows up for her, a man is unconsciously looking to see how a woman shows up for herself.


How do you become Her?

Be the queen who’s adored and loved by her man and trusts herself deeply.


  • Raise your standards knowing that you are worthy of your desires 
  • Cultivate a deep inner relationship with your own feminine essence
  • Speak your truth unapologetically trusting that he is going to meet you there
  • Ask for what you need and desire without holding back
  • Master your emotional intelligence 

This is exactly what you are going to learn and master inside of THE PORTAL OF LOVE 

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My partner and I will be selling our home, retiring and traveling the world together 

I've reconciled with my partner after 8 months of being estranged, with most of my support and direction coming from you and your wonderful Portal of Love. What gave me my final push to make this decision for my highest good was when you answered my question on how I turn from fear to trust. You have been an invaluable piece in my healing journey and I will feel forever indebted to you as a woman and teacher.

Shelly Kay

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Your year of embodiment and expansion inside the Portal of Love includes…




The Masterclass Vault ($1,144 value)


The Program Vault ($10,888 value)





Payment Options

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