Are You Asking As A Girl Or A Woman?

I hope you’re in a space where you feel comfortable because what I’m about to say might stir some shit up inside of you and make you feel uneasy.

Those times where you asked something of your partner that went in one ear and out the other?

You were asking from girl energy.

Disempowered, whiny (or complaining), don’t believe in what you’re asking or the possibility of it happening energy. 

It is riddled with lack.

There, I said it! Can we go back to being friends now?

Listen, I’m not immune to this either.

I’ve been observing myself as I make requests from Jack.

Anything from can you start the coffee, to can we talk about the next house we’re going to buy?

And the revelations have been eye-opening.

When I ask in a tired subtly whiny voice, he might do the thing I’m asking for, but the energy of him pleasing me and taking care of me isn’t quite there.

But when I ask for something from a deeply embodied place, where I trust my ask, and feel anchored in it, his answer is always an immediate and resounding YES.

In the prior, I can sense he’s turned off and tuned out, in the latter, I have his full attention.

One is very childish girl energy, and the other is my woman self, showing up in all her delicious glory.

And let’s be honest, my man doesn’t want to be relating to any little girls besides our daughter. 

He signed up to be in a relationship with his woman.

A woman who commands respect in the most clear and kind way.

So, I’d love for you to start exploring, who’s asking - whether it be to your boss, partner, friend, parent, lover or the Universe - the girl or the woman in you?

With love,
