I Understand Online Courtship, I'm Doing it All the Time

Phone with emojis

I may no longer be dating, but let me tell you: I do understand online courtship.


I’m courting women online, and they’re courting me.


They’re interested in working with me, and I’m using my discernment to decide if it’s the right fit.


And I too get disappointed. I get excited by what they write in my online questionnaire, and sometimes they don’t even show up for our call.


Other times they show up, and I’m like “Oh, you would be perfect” and their fear takes over and they don’t sign up.


Trust me when I say, I get it.


The excitement is real, the disappointment is real, the unknown of it all is real.


And, it’s also deeply fun when I let it be.


When I stay curious with questions like,


Is this going to be the next woman that I work with? 

Is this going to be someone I have an amazing connection with? 

I wonder what her story is? 

I’m so excited to see how I can help her; to see what we co-create. What are the possibilities here?


I open the door to actually enjoying this process.


I don’t always feel that way - but I mostly do.


And that’s what I invite you to lean into if you are in the “game” of online dating.


There needs to be a certain level of detachment and playfulness with it all.


And when in need, you can use my mantra (which opens me right up to an abundance mindset):


 “This, or better.”



With love,