Let yourself receive his hug.

Just now, I was typing away on my laptop with the morning light and my coffee.

My husband comes in silently.

No words spoken.

Just a warm embrace.

I put my coffee down and sank, sank, sank right into his hug.

And when I took it all in, I then wrapped my arms around him, too.

Mmmmm the feeling of being loved, and supported.

The feeling of loving someone.

I could have given him a quick hug and hurried back to my work.

Convinced, I had better things to do.

But then, I would have missed out on an opportunity to receive.

Because the truth is, we are presented with opportunities to receive hundreds of times of day. In the seemingly insignificant, smallest of micro moments.

Are we present enough to notice them? 

And can we relax enough to receive them?

So, not only did I get to feel my heart swell up with love, and anchored in gratitude.

I also received the topic for this post ;)

With love,
