Queens and Kings

The women I work with really resonate with the idea of being a Queen who either awaits her King, or sees the man she’s with as one. I wanted to share this idea with you too.

It’s a picture we can all love.

A queen will use her energy wisely. Her boundaries are strong as she has important things to do.

She doesn’t sit above anyone, but she does know how to relax into her throne.

She doesn’t chase, but she does have follow-through.

And any man who isn’t (yet) a King? She releases him with grace. 

Using this perspective we can truly see men as Kings.

The world I bring them into no longer requires them to play games to keep the immature ones interested, or speak of men with a tone of distrust - that conversation no longer belongs in their reality.

At the beginning of our work together, we make an agreement that we will only ever speak highly of our male counterparts.

With this perspective, women who are single know how to spend their time more wisely, and women who are in relationships get to admire the wholeness of the man they’re with.

It’s absolutely love-changing.

You must be wondering, how do you spot a king?

He is a man with solid character, who respects himself, the people around him, and most importantly, any woman he spends his time with.

What is one thing (behaviour or belief) you need to leave behind or start doing differently, to properly put your crown back on?

With love,
