Courageous Communication

The Master Class


Speak your truth, Crack his heart wide open... and Experience LOVE with ease.


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As my husband and I are both Leos (and Manifesting Generators) we both have the need to be right. Diana gently called out how this wasn’t allowing us to actually listen to the other person. It’s one of the things I love about her. She gave us concrete steps we can take when we feel ourselves going to that place. It’s one of my favorite things about Diana, she truly knows how to customize for her clients based on their personalities. Since then, we’ve both mentioned how we’ve used Diana’s method during a tense moment which has been the gateway to some of our deepest convos.
— Marisa Corcoran


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Communication is something we all struggle with, especially in our relationships.

It‘s a feeling of vulnerability that many of us find uncomfortable and we often end up overthinking what we intend to say, for fear of hurting or upsetting our man.

The result?

We either end up saying too much and regretting the words the moment they escape our mouth or we don’t say enough and he’s left sitting there thinking “What the heck just happened?”

Yep. Telling a man how you feel and what you truly need to feel satisfied in a relationship is hard. 

But what if I told you that there is a way to communicate what you need in a way that’s clear and kind and make you irresistible?

It’s called Courageous Communication and it’s all here for you.


What you will experience in this

3 part masterclass series:


Day 1

With Somatic Practitioner and Attachment Theory Specialist, Lesha Nelson

While I dive into the topic of courageous communication and the ways in which it impacts your relationships (and budding relationships), Lesha will talk us through how to get our bodies feeling calm enough to express ourselves the way we want to. This is where you move from feeling triggered and helpless to clear & empowered. 


Day 2

With Behavioural & Learning Expert, Eleni Dracopoulos

Eleni and I will dive into tangible ways to make your communication clear, empowered and aligned with love so you can draw your man in closer and wrap him in your feminine embrace with words that activate his heart. You will identify your communication bottleneck, give your intuition a voice and uplevel your emotional intelligence. 


Day 3

With Hypnotherapist & Transformational Coach, Atena Sadegh

We will wrap up our masterclass series with Atena who will gather your input on your greatest communication challenges, so she can help plant new beliefs and ways of feeling deep into your subconscious mind as she guides us through a hypnosis session (in other words, a very deep meditative state).  

This is a complete mind, body and spirit experience.


Hi I’m Diana


Discovering what to say and how to say it is smack in the centre of my zone of genius. And I want to share this genius with you.


Diana Eskander Expert Love Coach

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This is the same framework I’ve used to help my clients move from casual to committed, pending breakups to moving in together, getting married, and creating their deepest connections.

Your #relationshipgoals start here.


Diana helped me find a practice that resonated with me to find peace when I wanted to critique. She provided me with frameworks I can use whenever I felt triggered, or wanted to go down the road of self-righteousness (which was often!). I can say with all honesty that I now feel at peace in my relationship. I’ve noticed that some “trigger situations” no longer bother me. When I do need to communicate something that has bothered me, I can do it in a more loving and open way. I feel as if it’s now a conversation instead of a one-direction rant. I’ve had beautiful discussions with my partner since, which I’m certain would not have taken place if I didn’t work with Diana.
— Julie Doan


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