Diana Eskander - Keys to Love - Landing Page Graphic (3).png

A 3-day event to dive into the essentials of a healthy, secure relationship -

with a special invitation to bring your partners!

Diana Eskander Courageous Communication Social Image (1).png

What makes a relationship not only survive but thrive?

After working with thousands of people around the world over the years, I’ve come to know the keys to love - and I will be sharing 3 of those keys with you in this 3 Day event.

We would love for you to invite your partner, TOO!

Bring them into the conversation, and let’s set a strong foundation for your relationship to bloom and rise.

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Day 01

Let’s talk about how we talk AND how we listen to each other. I will share the nuances that make or break the way you communicate as a couple.

Day 02

It’s ok to have arguments, even to have fights, but it is essential to repair the relationship after a rupture - the consequence of NOT repairing your relationship is mounting resentment.


Day 03

The Universal love language that your relationship can’t survive without - I will share this with you along with how to implement this in your relationship.