A 3-day masterclass hosted by Hypnotherapist, Atena Morelli and Expert Love Coach, Diana Eskander

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 Activate your attraction powers for more love, financial overflow and all your soul desires in 2023 and beyond. 


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What would you dare to desire if you didn’t ask, ‘but is it possible?’. 

Diana and Atena have built a transformative 3-day event in which you will feel a shift in your vibrational frequency and experience a subconscious upgrade which will support you in manifesting greater love and receiving more money! 

Bring your note books, crystals and questions as we dive into the science and energetics of your manifestation power with men and money.


Men and Money

Today we explore the energetic connection between men and money (let’s be clear - it runs deep!). How can you receive more in love and financial overflow without sacrificing yourself to get it? The principles that guide us in love are beautifully paralleled with those that open us up to more money, and we can’t wait to share exactly how to open the floodgates for both. Diana will also guide you through a heart opening activation.


Manifestation is the embodiment of our desires (& healing our limiting beliefs!). For women, manifesting love and money invites a whole ocean of emotional entanglement. But the truth is, once we get an understanding of how our Human (mind & body) is designed to operate when manifesting, we hold a conscious light to an internal roadmap to successfully manifest our deepest desires. And we’ll use this map to hypnotize our Human to match the frequency of our most desired reality!  


We know you’re going to have questions! On this day, you get not one, but two expert coaches who will support you in your unique journey. No question is off the table!

Some examples:

How can I open my capacity to receive?

How can I feel more at ease to receive money and love?

What does it actually mean to detach from the outcome?

Why do I feel so blocked around love/money?

How are men and money related?

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About Your Guides


Diana Eskander, Expert Love Coach and Founder of The School of Love™,

has helped hundreds of women around the world meet their matches and access deeper layers of love in their existing relationships.

She’s been named Top 2 Love Coach by Yahoo, selected as a TEDx speaker and featured on Global TV.

She blends the practical with the spiritual, helping women get out of their heads and into their hearts, so they can think less, do less and receive more.




Atena Morelli, Hypnotherapist

Atena Morelli’s primary intention in this life is to be and teach the embodiment of unconditional love. Atena uses hypnotherapy, energy medicine modalities & breathwork along side her psychic-intuitive natural abilities to support hundreds of humans around the world to rapidly release subconscious mindset blocks and develop life changing identity shifts. Born in Iran, where women are legally considered half the value of men, Atena is fiercely passionate to support women to stand in their power with love, money and ultimately, the decision of who they get to be in this life.

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