School of Love

The Inner Circle

DIANA ESKANDER x HAVEN photo by LIANA CARBONE-8 (overlay).jpg

Rise in your feminine and experience love with ease. 

6 Month Inner Circle with Expert Love Coach Diana Eskander


group 1


Single Women

Are you ready to let go of patterns that no longer serve you? Do you fear the consequences of speaking your truth and setting boundaries with a new interest? Do you know what you want but aren’t quite sure how to find it? Do you “know” you’re worthy but still try too hard?

It’s time to step into the realm of infinite possibility, and know so clearly who you are and what you want that it has no choice but to show up. It’s time to BE your most magnetic self. She knows the way.



Women in Relationships

Do you crave deep connection, but aren’t quite sure how to get it? Do you feel like you’re always doing the supporting, but aren't being supported? Do you spend more time being triggered by your partner than dreaming, laughing and making love?

It's time to release control and free yourself from responsibility. You get to be in your feminine and allow yourself to receive, the way your inner Queen desires: same man, renewed relationship.


Begins Fall 2022

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I entered into my first real committed relationship 

For the longest time I thought something was wrong with me. I was on all the apps and putting “in the work” going on a ton of mediocre dates. Maybe something would last a few months, but nothing long term. I didn’t understand it. I so wanted to find a partner, but nothing ever worked out. After years of this, I decided to do something different. Joining Diana’s mastermind was by far the best thing I have ever done for myself. My whole perspective on dating changed and I saw shifts in myself that I never knew I needed. Four months into the program I entered into my first real committed relationship since high school. Diana is absolutely incredible and I will be forever thankful for what she has taught me on this journey.
— Lindsay Nathanson

Here are what some inner circle members have to say:


“I have a feeling of home inside of my relationship.”

“I met the most amazing man.”

This is for the woman who desires deeper satisfaction in her love life.
You deserve a relationship that feels good.


If you crave an intuitive way to:

- Shift resentment, blame and worry into confidence, clarity and connection
- Know if he is or isn’t the partner for you
- Move from casual to committed
- Speak your truth with a man
- Rise in your feminine energy 
- Stop questioning your every move
- Experience true interdependence
- Be on the same page as your partner
- Attract and call in love
- Stay true to your vision


Say hello to

The School of Love.

…And open your heart to receive love (and actually feel safe doing so).

You can have your cake and eat it, too. This means a partner who…

Sees you in your wholeness and accepts you as you are (I will give you the tools that truly make this possible)


Wants to grow with you (whether that means making babies, adding stamps to your passport, embarking on creative projects, etc.)


Commits to you with this whole heart (and meets you mentally, physically and emotionally)


I will hold you to your north star.

When you go off track, I’ll guide you back.



Before I started working with Diana, I was stuck in a loop. Something would happen in my relationship—such as, my boyfriend wouldn’t give me the attention I wanted in the moment— and I would immediately start to spiral. Within about 10 minutes of my first session with Diana, she helped me uncover a massive, deeply rooted truth: I didn’t trust myself not to self-destruct. The experience with Diana was profound. I feel like I got years worth of relationship, inner child, and somatic healing therapy in just one month together. We cut through the bullshit and went straight to the depths of what was holding me back in my relationship. My relationship is the best it’s ever been. I feel so much more committed, confident, and secure in my relationship.. I am forever grateful.
— Emily Moyer
For most of my life, I’ve been single (with various dating sprees and short-lived relationships mixed in). I was in an anxious/avoidant cycle where I’d seek out men who were unavailable and run away from the ones who were. I couldn’t understand why it was so difficult for me to connect with men on a deeper level and thought that I ultimately didn’t have what it took to be in the kind of meaningful relationship I aspired for. Diana helped me cultivate a new mindset around dating. She’s so real and her empowering and action-oriented approach was exactly what I needed. With Diana’s support, I’m learning to tap into myself emotionally and embrace vulnerability, which is ultimately what’s been keeping me from connecting with others on that level. She taught me how to call on my empowered self and notice and realign when I was acting from a place of fear. Months into the program, I’m already seeing a shift in my dating patterns, I’m less cynical and feel so light and free. I’m having deeper conversations and see so much potential which I’m now better equipped to lean into. Diana and this group have been a blessing and are hands down the best investment I’ve made in myself in a long time.
— S
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Hi I’m Diana

Expert Love Coach -

Named top #2 (out of 10) love coach by yahoo in 2021!


And I’m honoured to have you here…

I’ve helped hundreds of women around the globe experience love in the way they deeply crave - and I’m damn good at it.

I have but one goal, to shift the conversation from fear to love.

As a Master Certified Coach, intuitive healer and TEDx speaker, I’ve worked with hundreds of women around the world.

Let me tell you that, leading up to this, my own love life had been quite the journey.

I remember being single and wondering if maybe love just wasn’t in the cards for me.

From chasing the ever-elusive man to trying to force connections when my gut told me otherwise, it was draining and demoralizing to question every move I made.

What I didn’t know was that these struggles were blessings in disguise.

They brought me to my knees and pulled me into a deep inward dive. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, exploring what it meant to honour myself, mind,  body and spirit.

And on that journey of loving myself, falling and picking myself up, I met Jack. My now husband, baby daddy and life partner.

Everything was different with him.

I was different.

I so clearly remember our first date. I heard a whisper in my heart that said: “This one”. 

And rather than going into overdrive by trying to make him be the one, I felt this calm sense of knowing. It was a pivotal, love-changing moment.

I stood in my worth and witnessed first-hand how he reflected this back to me.

Then, months into our relationship, it became clear that an honest “Where is this going?” conversation was pending.

Using courageous, heartfelt communication, I told him how I was feeling—and that conversation brought the clarity and closeness I was desiring.

Within weeks, I met his parents, and six months after that, he proposed.

Almost 8 years together, 5 years married and one child in, we still have the most expansive love I have ever known.

You absolutely can experience this kind of love, too.

Rising in your feminine, moving from your head to your heart, and speaking your truth are some of your many superpowers.

You just need to learn how to tap into them.

And when you do, the floodgates will open and deep love will come pouring in.

This, I know for sure.


The Specifics

How would it feel to be supported for 6 whole months by an Expert Love Coach?


14 Group coaching calls:

I’ll take you through my entire framework. We’ll explore concepts, hold space for new awareness and integrate with new choices.



1:1 Session with Diana:

45 minutes to dive deep with Diana.

A month of support with Somatic Practitioner and Attachment Theory Specialist, Lesha Nelson:

Lesha will help you unlock the emotions and memories that are stored within your body so you can be free of them on an emotional and energetic level. She will also help you deeply understand your attachment patterns and move into secure attachment.

Private Facebook community:

A weekly ASK THREAD to get your questions answered in between sessions (I have a thing for FB Lives so expect a lot of those!)



Voxer support:

We will have a group chat via Voxer where the coaching continues in between sessions and where we can support one another. (a value of $1500/month that you get as part of this experience)

6 months of support with Behavioural and Learning Expert, Eleni Dracopoulos:

Eleni will support your learning (and unlearning), by helping you make School of Love concepts tangible and applicable to your unique situation. Think of her as the bridge between teacher and student.


3 x Group hypnosis sessions:

Certified hypnotist Atena Sadegh will be guiding us through three group hypnosis sessions focused on your inner child, your future self and your desired partnership.

Bank of resources:

We’ve developed a bank of resources to support you as you navigate your love journey. Wonder if you’re asking too much or too little? We have a resource for that. Looking for the perfect words to use with your man of interest? We’ve got you covered. Wanting to better understand your patterns and how to break them? We’ve put together a simple and powerful resource to help you. And so much more.

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If you've been struggling for years to experience love without the struggle of…

  • bottling up your feelings because you don’t know if you’re asking “too much”

  • craving deeper connections but feeling stuck at the surface level

  • finding yourself on a different page from your partner and wondering how this is happening again

Yet despite all of that, you still have hope, because… 


in 6 months time you will… 

  • Recognize when old patterns are arising and know exactly how to step out of them

  • Have a framework to help you move through your triggers with grace

  • Communicate your needs and desires in love courageously

  • Know how to discern between your fear and intuition

  • Have clarity on what your soul truly wants to experience in a relationship and the capacity to receive it

  • Know how to powerfully show up in your Feminine and allow your man to show up in his healthy Masculine

  • Uplevel your emotional intelligence.

This is for the woman who is ready to invest in herself.

6 month inner circle with Diana including two intimate pods of 8-10 women

Group 1 for single women

Begins October 6th, 2021.

GROUP 2 for women in relationships

Begins october 7th, 2021.

Request a Call and See If This is For You


Forever grateful I signed up

Before starting this program, the entire dating experience felt daunting. I would date so sporadically because every time I had a challenging experience, it would take me ages to ‘bounce back’ and feel ready to start again. I wanted to break that pattern, find a way to build up my confidence and sharpen my discernment so that I could trust myself. I needed help to understand the patterns I kept faltering back to so that I could make the changes I needed to call in a deep and loving relationship. Diana does not disappoint! She has a keen intuition and an amazing ability to aptly tune into each person she works with in an incredibly personal way. She inspires self-love! Sharing in the context of a group of women has been one of the most healing, validating and supportive experiences of my life. I am forever grateful for making the decision to sign-up, I will carry the wisdom and gifts I’ve gained from it in all facets of my life.
— Teresa

I'm in a committed relationship where I speak my truth

School of love has taught me to open up more and peel some of the layers I never knew I had. It has also taught me how to receive more and ask for help.
— Stephanie
Even if you’ve “done the work”… or think you’ve done the work, there is perhaps something more to learn or practice. School of Love is a place to stay accountable to that practice
— Ashley
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