The lover who receives in bed, the mother who puts herself first and the woman who leads and makes bank doing what she loves.

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4-part LIVE masterclass taking you through my signature SELF method

This is exact process that has deeply changed mine and my clients lives and has turned me into a woman who’s always winning, always receiving even in the hard moments be it in business, motherhood, marriage - it takes the concept of “this is here for me” to a whole other level and helps me find my power and my path in every situation.

And I want to share every piece of it with you, for you and the lives that you touch.

March 18 at 12pm EST

March 19 at 12pm EST

March 20 at 12pm EST

March 21 at 2:00pm EST




  • Not doing so damn much in your life and relationships only to receive “basic” in return
  • Waking up every day knowing you get to work with people you love
  • Being the living breathing example of a woman who embodies the highest frequency of love in every corner of your life
  • Knowing the right questions to ask yourself and your clients to propel you into your highest timeline
  • Living a life free of even the most subtle and sneaky victim mentality
  • Feeling confident in your coaching and mentoring skills
  • Choosing higher, higher and higher into the infinite possibilities of love, wealth and expansion

YOU get to live a life that’s centered around you.

To trust that your overflow is a gift to others.

To remember that who you’re being holds more power than what you’re doing.

And to come home to the truth that men (and LIFE, too) want to see how you show up for YOURSELF. 

Learn to turn the light on within you and you’ll learn how to turn the light on in his heart.

Join the revolution of women who choose to put themselves first and give from their overflow.




This is not your average coaching methodology based solely on logic and the mind. The SELF methodology takes you into the body to feel the truth and to source sovereign power.

As The School of Love™, we approach the body as the bridge between the heavens and the earth, as the temple where your soul resides, and as the portal to receive and feel your true power to show up to any situation, any relationship as the version you consciously choose.


Join me in this 4-part LIVE masterclass as we break the belief that women are best served as givers and open the doors to the most expansive AND SEXIEST season of your life yet.


  • is calling in LOVE
  • yearns to feel like herself as a mother
  • knows that her relationship and sex life get to be hotter
  • wants big things and isn’t willing to sacrifice her well being for any of it
  • yearns to finally do her legacy work in the world and get paid damn well for it

This class is here to show you the way to the depths of your soul, to your sovereignty, your empowered choices and how to be the ONE who’s sought after:

No more chasing

No more hustling

No more trying to get anything outside of you

Step into the era of the SELF Centered Woman

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