Part III - Can Trust be Regained And If So - How?

Couple by lake

This is my final wrap-up on trust: if it can be regained, and how.

What I wish to say in this closing piece is that regaining trust and learning to trust again, is not an easy road – clearly. But on the flip side, deciding to leave someone can be equally, and at times, even more difficult.

Make The Decision

In reflecting on part II of this article, it is important to be clear on the fact that the only person you have control over in this process is yourself. This means that if your partner does not choose to follow through or continue with the steps, you have no control over that. The only thing you can do in this instance is decide if what you have with him is truly enough for you – or if it's time to pack up and move on.

When you’re contemplating any situation in your life, the most important point is in knowing and considering your value – and never, ever compromising this. You also must consider if you are too light for this person’s dark. Let me explain. Some of us are considered light beings, based on the decisions and actions we take, the thoughts and intentions we have, the things that we hear and say, the love that we give and receive and the general vibe that we carry. And others, based on their experiences, choices, actions, words, thoughts, vices, are much further from enlightenment and therefore tipping towards the darker side. You need to evaluate (truthfully), which side the person you are with is on - again, going back to the man’s character. This is not meant to be a judgment, nor should you approach it as such; it is simply a decision for the well-being of your future, and ultimately, for the utmost respect and protection of your luminous spirit.

Trusting Your Decision

Let me also continue by saying, I do not believe that most people are “bad” at their core; but if they’ve done too much damage in their lives or carry too much undealt with baggage, then this certainly doesn’t need to be someone you choose as your life partner. Especially, if you yourself, are someone who is in tune, has emotional intelligence, and deals with life and the situations it throws at you with an acquired “toolset”.

Deciding what you want for your life is entirely in your control. Sure, we are meant to come across different people throughout our lives, but it’s what you decide to do with them that determines your destiny. So please, do not succumb to ideas such as, “well maybe this is the life that’s meant for me”, because that my dear, is entirely up to you to decide.

What I will say, is that without a doubt, the more you connect with your higher and more spiritual self, the more you will naturally distance yourself from toxic relationships and make better decisions with ease, for your heart, body, mind and your oh-so beautiful soul.

Peace, love and trust part III,
