Deepening Your Receivership

I want to tell you a story about a couple I know.

For the sake of this post, we’ll call them Ash and Jay (totally made up names!).


I was sitting with Ash and another friend. We were discussing life, love, all the things.

Ash began to share with us the healing journey she’s been on with her father and all that has surfaced inside of her therapy sessions.


As she described some of the details of her childhood, her husband, “Jay”, walked over gave her a hug and said, “that must have been really hard for you.”


When he walked away I stopped her and said, did you hear that? You’ve been wanting this kind of acknowledgement from him and he just gave it to you! How did that feel?


She said it was nice, and left it that.


So, I suggested she let him know that it meant a lot to her when he did that.


Her response is one I’ve heard from many –


“You know what’s so annoying?”, she said. “That it’s always me having to do something. Why should I have to go and tell him that? Why do I always need to be the one to do something?”.


I get it.


At first glance, it might seem like she’d be taking an extra step. That she’d be going the extra mile.


Yes, this little moment of appreciation will make him feel good and probably inspire him to do more of that –


But this is actually so much more about her getting to receive more deeply.


By taking a moment to be grateful, feel grateful and express this gratitude, she buys herself a moment to really take in and receive what he gave her.


To allow it to permeate deeper.


It’s not about doing more.

It’s about slowing down and receiving more.


Seen this way, it will feel completely different in your mind and body.


How does it feel for you?


I’m genuinely curious how much more is available for us to receive if we actually take the time to receive it.


With love,
