How Much Do You Need To Heal Your Past?

I know the power of healing the root cause of trauma through somatic therapy and mindset work.


That being said, I don’t believe we ever completely release all of our wounds or outdated beliefs.


They tend to creep up on us with every up level.


It’s part of the journey.


That’s why I always like to say, your healing, or better said, you’re coming into self, is two-fold.


One part is proactive – the things you do (almost) daily.


Ø  Breathwork.

Ø  Meditation.

Ø  Body movement.

Ø  Connecting to Source energy.

Ø  Things of the like.


These help nurture your nervous system, connect you to the forgotten parts of yourself and anchor you into an energy that’s wiser than your everyday problems.


The other part is reactive – the things you do to help you come back to yourself when you’re feeling triggered, anxious and out of alignment.


Combining these two is the way I get to show up in the energy I desire to be in, more of than not – for my clients, my friends, my family, my children, my partner, my-self.


Are you more inclined to moving through your daily practices but forget to come back to them when you’re struggling?


Or do you tap into these practices only when you’re in “need”?


Let’s hear it x


With love,
