Expansion isn’t what you think it is and this misconception is robbing you of your riches
The money flowing
Bank roll rolling
In love, great s*x
Intimate partnership
Starting a family
One of the biggest traps I see is people thinking this is what expansion looks like ^^
These are the FRUITS of the expansion, not the expansion itself.
Having those hard seasons in your relationship where you being asked to lean into new levels of vulnerability, to face the hard shit, to keep your heart open - THAT’S EXPANSION.
Facing 9 months left to pay off the loan on your mortgage and having to lean into every ounce of blind faith that the steps you’re taking will pay off - THAT’S EXPANSION.
Launching an offer that no one shows up to and delivering the heck out of it anyway - THAT’S EXPANSION.
It’s honestly a tragedy that people don’t know this or see this.
Because instead of fully leaning into the EXPANSION in the hard moment which then lead to the fruits - great partnership, successful biz, money, travel, adventure, they look to those things as evidence of their expansion and resist the actual portal for expansion which is how you show up in the face of uncertainty and how you RISE into your power NO MATTER WHAT.
I want every woman, every human to see this and know this.
Because every great thing that you desire is magnetized to you in your power.
These are the kind of conversations and somatic experiences we’re having inside of my spaces, The SOL Collective Membership, Portal of Love and She Who Receives and they are blowing my clients away and changing their lives for good.
I would love to welcome you into these conversations, too.