How do I know if I’m doing that thing again where I make money and then spend it?

I recently asked myself this question.

You’ve probably asked a similar question before. Or something that sounds like,

“Am I doing that avoidant thing again where I meet a good man but I’m still not interested?”

Yesterday I decided that 6 months into my time in a Mastermind I'm in, I would commit to another year in the space - and pay it in full, once again.

It may not be the best choice for someone else, but is the best f*cking choice, for me.

The value, the community and sisterhood, the blow your expansion, the embodiment of it all is worth 10x more.

How do I know if I’m making the right choice?

I make it the right choice.

I decide the energy and identity I make my decisions with.

And I stand in the truth that it’s always working out for me. No matter what that looks like at times.

I make the decision from a place of personal power and certainty in myself.

And of course it helps that my man fully accepts and supports that I’m a woman on a mission with dreams beyond my wildest.

Claim it with me:

I am a woman who stands in her sovereignty, in secure attachment with money and looks her future in the eyes - then makes the damn choice.

Current ways we can journey together to embody the secure sovereign woman who pours into herself and trusts that her overflow IS the gift. YOU as a sovereign woman get to choose your journey:

1. MEN, MONEY, MANIFESTATION - a 12 week program + hypermind to manifest love, financial overflow and your soul desires with potency, precision and ease. We take offon Sep 20th

2. PORTAL OF LOVE - a 12 month journey to embodying the secure woman who finds her safety within, and safety with him (…think men, money, LIFE). Join before our pop-up coaching day on WhatsApp Thursday Sep 12th where I dedicate 6 hours to coaching you and answering your Qs in our community chat.

3. SHE WHO RECEIVES - An intimate mentorship experience where you master feminine energetics and become the relaxed receiver of love, money, and pleasure. opening our doors for 1 sister to join us.

4. THE SOL COLLECTIVE - Our membership community for the woman who wants more love, money, pleasure without over giving.This is a cancel anytime membership - join us before our live coaching call on September 19th.

My DMs are open to dream and wonder about ALL the possibilities with you XO

With love,
