You’ve tried the healing modalities, the inner work, the shadow work - and still your love life is not where you want it to be.

Here’s why.

Your magnetism comes from being in your PLEASURE body.

Men and masculine energy are like bees to honey when you’re feeeeeling and pouring into YOURSELF.

This gives him the felt sense of what it would be like to dive into all your delicious splendor.

Your satisfaction.

Your joy.

Choosing to follow the calls of your wild woman heart -

This is what turns his head, turns him on and turns all his attention towards YOU.

Repeat after me:

The healing work gets to be complete now.

It’s safe for you to close the chapter of cycling through your pain body.

And to open the gateways of your PLEASURE body.

Where the waves of your magnetism grow and expand.

You enjoying your own company.

You making the choices that expand you and turn UP your excitement, your joy, your LIFE FORCE, your shakti.

It’s safe for you to choose higher now.

And trust me when I say HE WILL NOTICE.

With love,
