How I've Been Making Badass Decisions Lately -- And How You Can Too

Hands in grass

I’ve been making some big and bold decisions lately that have stretched me way out of my comfort zone - decisions that were only possible because I’ve been listening a lot less to my busy mind, and a lot more to my intuition.

As I’ve been learning in Human Design over the last 12 months, I’m a Sacral Generator, which means my intuition speaks to me from my sacral.

And, I’ve been practicing listening.

I started with little things like, “what does my sacral want to eat, drink, experience right now?” And then, I do that.

I’ve also been listening for much bigger decisions, too. 

Like the 6 month mastermind I recently joined with Elisa Canali: that decision was made purely from my body’s excited response and nothing to do with my mind’s worries and logic.

My mind had all the stories.

Is this really what you need right now?

You weren’t even thinking of joining a Mastermind.

Wouldn’t you rather do 1:1 coaching?

Are you ready to invest in another high-level mastermind?

Shouldn’t you be using this money to pay for the foundation work you need to do for your home?

But whenever I would stop listening to my mind and focus only on what my body said, there was no confusing it, my sacral was a YES.

Four weeks in, and this experience is blowing me wide open.

Besides listening to my body, which granted, is not always as simple as it sounds, I’ve been using the following powerful questions and “action plans” to help me move through my big decisions:

When my mind is not jumping from story to story, what do I know to be true? 

Am I going to listen and follow this voice over my mind’s?

What’s making me most scared right now? 

What would it look like to walk towards that fear?

What makes me feel most expansive?

What must I believe to walk towards that?

Ask yourself the question - when I quiet my mind, what do I know to be true? 

And then go and do that.

With love,