You Don’t Create Your Own Reality, You Create Pieces of It

Couple smiling

There’s a common saying in the personal development world that says, “You create your own reality.”

And I’d like to say, you create pieces of it.

Yes, you have absolute authority over what you believe, think, say, do, accept, engage with, etc.

And in response to that, you invite in experiences, people, and circumstances that match your thoughts and vibrational output.

You dance, and the Universe follows.

The Universe dances, and you follow, clumsily as that might be at times. 

Same thing goes in the relationship you have with your man. You are sovereign over your part of the dynamic.

You think, say, do something and he responds.

He thinks, says, does something, and you respond.

It’s a feedback loop with no real way to determine which is the beginning or which is the end. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? 

Did his annoying behaviour cause you to be snappy?

Or did your snappiness cause him to be more annoying?

It’s really an impossible question to answer, even though you are currently convinced that you are the way you are in your relationship, because of how your partner is. 

I’ve been accessing new layers of how true this really is.

The other day, I was grappling with how much I felt Jack was rushing our son Cedrik. Can’t you just let him be?

Rather than saying anything about it, I observed it, and saw that Jack was “rushing” to essentially get Cedrik to bed on time for his nap.

Guess who enforced nap times to begin with?

You guessed it: Mama.

There’s a part that I play in this dynamic  - and that’s the part I have to own. Because when I do, that’s where I grow, and our relationship feedback loop starts to grow with me, in the best of ways.

If you’re in a relationship and know that the next layer of love within your relationship requires you getting more intimate with the next layer of love within you, I’d love to talk to you.

With love,