Pain Comes from Resistance, Peace Comes from Acceptance (A Holiday Message!)


“How do I find peace with the fact that my family won’t be spending Christmas with me this year?”

This was a question I received from a few ladies inside of a class I had the pleasure of giving last week.

It’s a tough one.

On one hand, they want to respect their families’ wishes.

On the other, they feel alone and ostracized.

That’s when I invite the questions:

What is the most loving choice I could make for myself right now?

What is the most loving choice I could make for (insert person’s name here)? 

I know how hard it can be to accept the decisions of the people you care most about when they don’t align with yours.

But the real pain is in the resistance of your reality.

You’re being called to lean into a whole lot more acceptance and unconditional love.

Resisting the people around you and the decisions they make only creates more disconnection.

Accepting people where they are at is one of the hardest and most love-changing things you can do. 

Where are you being called to lean a little more into love this holiday season?

P.S. This is the last article and newsletter I’ll be sending out until the first week of January! I’m feeling called to go in, sit in more stillness, and soak in the remaining days of 2020. Thank you for following along with me and I look forward to sharing more magic with you in the new year!

With love,