How You Might be Emasculating the Universe (and Your Man, Too)

Couple running in a field

One of the things I love teaching inside of my programs is to practice being in a relationship with the Universe, the way you would want to with your man.

I have my ladies start to notice –

Do they trust the Universe?

For example, if they make a request to the Universe about something they desire to come to fruition – how much do they believe it will actually happen?

Do they need feel the need to keep checking in to see if it’s been done yet?

Or, can they make their request and go on with their lovely selves, living their lives and trusting that it will be done, in the perfect time.

And that maybe, just maybe, the time isn’t NOW.

Can they let the Universe take the lead here and co-create the timeline with them?

There are truly endless parallels that can be drawn between the way we relate to the Universe and to our beloved.

Do we notice the abundance and the positive aspects of life (and our partners), or do we focus more on what’s missing?

Are we able to dance with the Universe, feeling into when it’s time to lead and when it’s time to be led?

Do we feel worthy to receive what we ask for, or do we force ourselves into constant action, trying to prove and push our way there?

Can we believe the Universe loves us and wants the best for us?

Do we believe the Universe is working with us, or against us?

Because I tell you, beautiful, that if you live in constant question about your worth and the Universe’s ability and intention to provide what you desire, you likely live in the same state in your relationships.

And it really doesn’t have to be this way.

It takes a hell of a lot of practice but learning to trust, the Universe and the people in your life is the biggest gift you can give yourself and the greatest vote of confidence you can give to another.

Are you willing to try?

Less than a week before my 6-week program, RECEIVE, begins.

With love,