I Was Stood Up

Last week I had a conversation with the most stunning woman.

We spoke the same language and had this instant click.


She shared with me her yearning to really connect with her desires so that when her partner asks her what she wants, she knows exactly how to respond to that.


It was one of the most gorgeous intentions I’d ever heard.


We laughed, we shared, we deeply connected.


When I told her about the Inner Circle, her whole being lit up.


She wanted to sit with all the information for a few days, which I both honour and encourage.


We agreed to have a follow-up conversation earlier this week.


There I was, excited to connect with this soul again…and she was a no show.


I got stood up.


I gave myself a moment to feel the disappointment, send her love and brush it off.


It had me thinking about the women who experience this in dating.


Meeting someone, clicking with them, getting excited about the possible connection, all to come to a screeching halt with no explanation and no real resolve.


A rising of energy, and a sudden fall. A climax with no release.


If you can relate, here’s my message to you.


You don’t have to analyze or justify why (although your mind will try to bring you here).

You aren’t crazy or a fool.

You don’t need to question your judgement.


You do however get to stand in the truth that in this moment, this person isn’t a match for you.




Maybe their human self wouldn’t allow what their soul already knows.

Maybe the timing is off.

Maybe they didn’t have the courage.

Maybe this is a pattern of theirs.

Maybe, maybe, maybe.

This up to them to explore.


You get to have your standards, without judging anyone else or trying to fit them into a box your mind can understand.


It’s all love.


For self, first and foremost, and then an outpouring of that infinite love onto others.


With all my love,
