Instead of Judging Your Friend's Relationship

Friends on a bench

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I hate that guy” when your sister/friend/cousin/daughter/mother spills about how her man is breaking her heart?

I get it, it can be infuriating to see someone you love be mistreated. I have to check myself often when a client I just absolutely adore tells me about the things she’s enduring in her relationship.

I know enough at this point to see that it’s triggering some of my old “stuff”, and so I can move through those feelings to a place of compassion for the both of them, pretty quickly.

So if you find yourself getting upset with the guy who’s breaking your friend’s heart, I ask you to remember this: maybe you don’t need to hate him, you can simply love her.

This is shifting from fear to love.

Choosing this approach allows you to bring down the walls around your own heart and support her in the way her scared inner child most needs.

Drop the judgments, open your heart, listen, and allow.

This is her process.

Her journey.

Her lesson to be learned.

You don’t need to fix this for her. You can be there for her while protecting your energy.  Everybody wins.

So the question is, are you willing to choose love over fear?

With love,

judgment, Choosing Love, Compassion