Why You Might Be Into the "Bad Boys"

Woman with tattooed man

Why do you like the “bad” emotionally unavailable guy? 

While I see many women choose these men because it feels extra good to be validated by someone who’s hard to get, I’ve also seen another phenomenon over the years: the belief that getting what you want in life is hard work.

And so, as confirmation bias would have it, you choose men and relationships that prove this belief to be true. 

You chase after the guy who offers you crumbs.

You crumble at the first sign of his affection.

All the while telling yourself that this passionate roller coaster you’re on must be love - because it’s hard.

I know this pattern well because it used to be mine.

But what changes in your love life when you shift away from this belief?

When you replace the belief with, “love and relationships get to be easy for me” and actually start believing this to be true?

You open yourself to receiving love from someone who actually wants to share it with you.

You raise your standards and show up like a Queen who’s only available for a King.

You get to love men (instead of what most of my clients discover, which is that they believe men are “bad”).

You heal your wounds and forgive yourself and others.

You break generational patterns and show the next generation of young women what love can really be like.

This is love-changing, world-changing stuff.

So I ask you to ask yourself, “What do I believe about men and relationships?”

The first thing that comes to mind is the answer of your deep subconscious mind.

If what you find serves you, thank it and keep it.

If what you find is not so helpful, question it, dig into it, and shift it to something more empowering that you can believe for now.

Transformation is the culmination of small incremental shifts. 

You’ve got this.

With love,