Is It Taking... Or Receiving?

Couple Holding Hands

Is it taking…or receiving?

As I was exchanging with a client of mine a few days ago she caught herself saying “giving and taking” in relationship to receiving in relationships.

As she listened back to her own message, she had a profound realization that quite honestly hit me as well.

Rather than seeing it as receiving in relationships, she saw it as taking.

Taking doesn’t sound nearly as wholesome as receiving. It implies a selfishness (and not in a good way), and a taking away from someone.

Let’s take it a step further.

If giving is a more masculine energy, and receiving is a feminine one - taking feels quite masculine, too.

It implies an action, a reaching out, a grasping, an almost desperate act.

This means if you see this dynamic as “give and take”, both actions feel quite masculine. Quite calculated.

Receiving is on the opposite end of the spectrum. It is the ultimate state of the feminine.

From my experience, I receive the most when I attach to outcomes the least.

Take my 36th birthday over this past weekend as an example.

I have this tendency to attach to outcomes on special occasions (for myself and others). I want it to feel and look a specific way - a pattern I’ve been undoing for several years now.

When we arrived at brunch in the morning and couldn’t get in (I was SO excited for my ricotta pancakes and chia grapefruit), I could feel my reflection to control creeping in. I wanted to control how the day was going, down to what I got to eat!

‘Relax Diana, this is your old pattern showing up. The more you attach and control, the less you end up enjoying your day. Don’t sabotage yourself.’ - was my internal dialogue.

And so, I did relax. And enjoyed the day thoroughly. I received more than I could have ever contrived from my own mind. And it didn’t feel one bit like taking.

So, let me ask you, how does taking feel in your body? And how does it feel to receive instead?

Two days left to join my 6-week live program, RECEIVE. After that doors will be closed until my next round in 2022!

With love,
