How You Might Be Unknowingly Taking Your Partner For Granted

Diana Eskander

I hear women tell me all the time about the things they wish their partners would do – or do more of.

Things like compliment them, hold them tight when they’re feeling sad, think of what needs to get done around the house, and do it. The list really does go on.

And then, somewhere along their shares, I catch glimpses of all that their partners are doing.

Such as, repairing things around the house they (my ladies) didn’t realize needed repairing, planning moving logistics, supporting them through a seasonal depression, etc. etc.

And one of the biggest ones I catch?

Their partners accepting them just as they are. Not trying to change a thing about them. Not wishing they were different or that they would do more of anything.

I remind myself of this all the time.

Like on Thursday mornings, I never remember that it’s garbage day. Jack does. He takes out the garbage, compost and recycling, without saying a word about it.

Or when we get to a gas station, I don’t think twice about getting my pretty behind up from my seat and behind that gas pump. He automatically does it.

And that’s just it.

Because it’s automatic, we often miss it.

And that’s a shame.

Because with all the wishing about what our partners could do, we miss so much of what they are already doing. And so much of who they already are.

And we unknowingly, take them for granted,

So let me ask you this – what automatic things does your partner do that you can start appreciating more?

This my friend, is a love-changing question.

With love,
