When It Comes To Your Vision- Consider This!
We see so much out there about creating our visions - from vision boards to affirmations, and lists, lists, lists. There’s a lot of talk these days about thoughts creating your reality.
I believe this to be in part true.
Because while your thoughts put out the intention, the way you feel is what either allows your manifestations in or keeps them out.
There is a fixation on visioning.
And I get why. If you tend to think about what can go wrong, switching that lens to what can go right is massively helpful.
And still, I’ve found that hyper-focusing on my vision can come at a cost.
To my well being.
To my nervous system.
To my vision.
It’s a dance.
I create the vision, sink it into my heart, and then release it
Coming back from time to time to add some more inspired pieces.
I have friends who repeat their visions every day, and this works wonders for them.
I, on the other hand, have found that my greatest power comes from setting the vision intention and letting it be.
Trusting it will be delivered to me in ways my limited mind couldn’t even dream of.
And with that, my body relaxes, my nervous system is reset and I am that much more receptive to receiving it.
I find that keeping space between myself and my vision leaves space for the Universe to come and play, to add pieces, remove some and surprise and delight me along the way.
Are you someone who repeats their vision daily? How does leaving a little space between you and your vision feel to you?
With love,