When A Man Pulls Away

Diana Eskander

When a man pulls away.

You need not panic, and you need not pretend you hadn’t noticed, either.

Let me begin by saying that a man pulling away in the early days of your connection is pretty common.

And yes, it’s very uncomfortable for you.

The masculine energy desires freedom, and when he starts to fear that he’s losing it, he’s likely to pull back a little while.

That being said, ghosting you all together is never an acceptable approach.

This is a critical moment for you.

Not because you need to “make it work” with this guy, but because all your shit is bound to surface.

Your abandonment wounds.

Your fear of rejection.

Your beliefs that you are not enough and that you’ll never get to experience lasting love with someone.

I see you, sister.

I’ve been you.

And I’m holding you.

Your inner child needs an outpouring of love in this moment. She is the one panicking.

If you saw a little girl sitting in a corner crying, telling her sad story that she is not good enough...what would you say to her?

Say this to yourself.

Now, as for what to do with him.

You have two very powerful choices here:

You can either wait for him to get in touch with you and then let him know that you’ve noticed his distance and ask him about it.


You can get in touch with him and send the same message.

Both are powerful and courageous.

If you tend to shy away from vulnerability, you may want to go with the latter.

That being said, if you tend to “chase” and really take on the energy of “making things happen”, your edge might be to lean back and let him come to you.

You deserve to understand who you’re spending your time, heart and energy with.

Find that place of inner worthiness; connect to where it actually lives in your body and then speak from there.

Like a client of mine just did with a man who pulled away from her.

Here’s what she had to say:

“I spoke with my heart and he appreciated it. He started talking to me about taking me on walks and out for dinners when the restaurants open up again. Being able to speak your truth is amazing. Thank you so much for helping me do that. I’m proud of myself and the work we’ve done together.”

Just remember that he too is on an ever-unfolding journey. He has fears and doubts, too. The question is, is he willing to take those fears by one hand and yours in the other?

With love,