Is The Universe Really Testing You?

Woman with Starry Sky

I’ve never resonated with the notion that the Universe is testing me.

Like it’s conspiring to see what I’m really ready for.

I believe the Universe (which I am a part of, so I am it and it is me), is simply giving me feedback.

It’s not deciding what I do and don’t deserve; it’s providing me 3D feedback of what I believe, what I feel and who I’m being.

Seen in this light, I feel more trusting, more at peace in my relationship with the big U.

Its intention is not to make me jump through one hoop after the other.

The more I say NO to what isn’t aligned for me and the more I say YES to what is, the more my reality starts to shift around me.

I get new feedback.

That being said, I don’t believe every single thing I manifest is a reflection of ME. It is a lot more complex than that, with so many layers.

My reflection is affecting your reflection and vice versa. But that’s another monologue.

This is a conversation we recently had inside of the School of Love’s Inner Circle.

One of the women came to us for support because a man she’d previously said no to was coming back full force.

It’s a pattern she’s seen time and time again.

A man doesn’t show up how she desires him to, and only then does he kick it up 10 notches. He’s not showing up how he truly wants or intends to, he’s trying to get her back.

And she wondered, could this be a test from the Universe?

I asked her to consider that the Universe loves her, and is simply offering a mirror. That this is an opportunity to shift what she is available for. And that as she continues to do so, the Universe will reflect back to her, her new beliefs, feelings and ways of being.

I wonder, how does this shift in perspective sit with you?

With love,