I’ve Been In Deep Integration Here In My World

I’ve been in deep integration here in my world.

Devoting to myself.

Devoting to my partner.

Devoting to my children.

Devoting to my movement and the amazing souls I work with.

And while all of these blessings represent the overflow of my life, they also come with a lot of “to-dos.”

For years, my mentor, Elisa Canali, has said to me, get out of the details and spend more time in the spiritual side of your life.

It’s all over my gene keys (if you know, you know).

And still, I have continued to live by my to-do list.

Convinced that there are never ending to-dos.

Until recently.

I’ve been exploring just how my belief that there are so many details to take care of, actually keeps me in the loop of taking care of more details.

What if I intentionally spend time doing “nothing” (or nothing that’s on my to-do list), and spend way more time in my temple (my body).

It became very clear to me, that every time I decided to execute something (executing comes very easily for me), vs be in my meditation practice, for example, that I was intentionally choosing to plug into the 3D matrix vs anything beyond that.

So, life presented me with more 3D details to take care of.

By carving out significantly more time to be with Source (within myself), I am choosing to prioritize my connection with the Universe.

And since the Universe and I are more deeply connected, I am more deeply supported (much like it gets to be with your partner).

What follows is nothing short of magic.

Some details remain, yes.

But so many start to sort themselves out.

They become irrelevant.

They get taken care of by someone else.

I gain clarity on who to delegate them to.

And those that do remain?

I have more clear inspired direction on how to execute them and do so with more efficiency, more ease, more fun.

I know that from where you stand, this could seem impossible for you right now.

But if there was a way out of the never ending stream of things to take care of?

Would you take it?

I’m telling you, this one is huge.

This is a representation of how you trust and relate to the masculine, and the space that gets to exist for you to be more widely supported than you could ever imagine.

By your man.

By money.

By the Universe.

Are you with me?

DM me hell yes, I’ve got something for you x

With love,
