I've Hesitated to Share This With You For So Long

Cliff jumping

When I saw this IG post from Rising Woman (an account that I love), I’m not going to lie, I got triggered.

“If they don’t want a relationship right now, that’s not an invitation to sit in their waiting room.”

This was the EXACT message I needed in my teens and early twenties, and yet, I had quite a different experience with this when I met Jack, a month before I turned 27.

Jack literally said the exact words to me, “I’m not ready for a relationship” about 5 weeks into seeing each other.

And still, something inside of me knew (not hoped, but deep down knew), this wasn’t entirely the case.

I’ve hesitated for so long to really share this with you because the last thing I want to do is misguide you or offer women excuses for bad behaviour.

It is true. You never need to wait for a man to choose you. In 9 out of 10 cases, it’s not going to work out the way you hope it will.

My case with Jack is an example of that 1 out of 10. 

Navigating this space with him felt like I was tapping into something bigger than what made sense in this 3D reality.

I could feel how much I was meant to know this person, and Jack showed up consistently.

While his words spoke fear, his actions spoke love.

And when I would undoubtedly slip into my own fear, I would realign myself with what I knew to be true: I was meant to spend time with this outstanding human.

Jack is not your average guy.

He is cultured, evolved, educated, ambitious, incredibly kind, hilarious, gets along with everyone; he introduced me to new places and new ideas, when he talked about his family he oozed with love, he treated me like a Queen - and he showed up like a King.

If actions speak louder than words, his actions showed me another version of his story.

And yet, I still hesitate in sharing this with you - because this too can be a slippery slope.

I do not ever wish for you to operate out of false hope.

I am highly in tune with my intuition. And by the time I met Jack, I felt myself so worthy of love, that I could hold myself in the utmost esteem, in his eyes and more importantly, in mine.

We consistently saw each other for 8 months before I brought up the “where is this going” conversation - a topic that most women believe will send their man running for the hills.

In our case, it was the catalyst for us getting closer.

Within a few months, I met his parents (something Jack does not take lightly), and within a few months after that, he proposed.

Was it scary when I heard him say he wasn’t ready for a relationship? Heck yes.

Am I happy I brought it up when I felt ready? Heck yes.

And how did I do it? By using heartfelt and courageous communication.

I don’t believe you should sit in someone’s waiting room; I also believe that we are highly intuitive beings who can see the bigger truth when we allow ourselves to.

Jack was ready and willing to grow, and I am so damn grateful to myself for releasing my ego enough to see that.

So I’m curious, what does this story of mine bring up for you? 

With love,