How to Be an Adult in Your Relationship

Baby on blanket

Who is the “adult” version of yourself in a relationship? Do you even know?

Most of us are so busy focusing on what we want and what we deserve, that we pay very little attention to how we are showing up inside of our relationships.

While you may be physically inside of an adult’s body, you have an inner child who rears her sweet, bratty little head most days.

I know this because my own cute inner brat likes to come out to play in my relationship too.

Nothing painted this picture more clearly for me than this little incident last year.

My husband came home after a long day and night’s work, and I was just about to head to bed.

I asked if we could sit on the couch for a few moments to connect before I doze off.

He replied, “Ya for sure. Let me just make myself a tea and I’ll be right there.”

“Really?”, I said. “Can’t you just come and sit a few minutes so I can get to bed?”

I watched myself standing there, being so unreasonable. My inner child wanted his attention, NOW.

Which became glaringly obvious to me the following morning when my son, who was a year and a half at the time asked me to come and sit with him on the...wait for it...couch.

Without thinking twice I said, “Sure sweetie. Let me just make my coffee first.”

He screamed, pouted and stomped his feet.

Holy shit.

This was me, only 12 hours earlier.

And while I may not have flailed my body around as an almost-two-year-old does, I did have my own adult version of a tantrum.

Ok, I get it. Thank you for the very obvious lesson, Universe.

That’s the thing. 

Without acknowledging that we are in many ways, just taller versions of our child selves, we can’t quite step into our empowered adult selves who know how to be in healthy relationships.

Getting real honest about how your inner child is (unconsciously) sabotaging your love life, your communication style, and your way of relating, is KEY.

Are you ready to bring your adult self to the forefront? The one who can clearly speak what she wants, and hold her emotions while doing so? 

Then I invite you to join me for my free 2-part Courageous Communication Masterclass. It’s going to be dang good, if I do say so myself.

With love,