Reversing the Sh*t out of Your Patterns

Blonde woman with red lipstick

I’ve made a lot of bold, big decisions to invest in myself and my business over the last three years - some of which were totally illogical.

But I made those decisions based on WHERE I’M GOING - not where I stand, today.

And here’s how this is relevant to you -

The other day I was on a call with a woman who deeply wanted to work with me, but felt like she couldn’t for financial reasons.

The circumstances of her life made her feel as though investing in this work simply wasn’t a choice she could make.

What she was ultimately saying, is that it would be selfish for her to receive this support when she could use that money on her kids.

Which of course, I totally understand. 

But here’s the thing.

Refusing support and putting herself last, is her pattern in relationships. And the pattern was playing itself out right there again on our call!!!

The partnership she’s wanting from a man is equal parts giving and receiving. She is oh so familiar with the giving - and not so familiar with the receiving.

A man wants to give to a woman who is ready to receive.

The question that really needs to be asked here is what is she willing to do, change, and believe to start breaking the patterns that have been holding her hostage for the last decade and more?

Here’s what I can say for sure.

The moment she decides to accept the help, to invest in herself, and to believe in her future enough to bet her money on herself, is the moment her pattern starts to unravel.

It is the catalyst, the first step in shattering her patterns.

Maybe for you, throwing money at the problem comes easy but then you don’t actually “do the work” of showing up for yourself.

So I ask you to consider, what pattern is holding you back from the life and love you so desire? And what is one BOLD decision you can make to REVERSE the sh*t out of it today?

With love,

Vision, Patterns