This Message Just Might Save Your Love Life

Coffee cup on table

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, why doesn’t she have to do this work on her love life, this post is for you.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had clients ask me why their friend x, y, z didn’t have to hire a coach or do all this introspection to experience love with more ease.

Which of course, I get. I mean we’d all like to have what we want to knock on our doorsteps, without changing a thing.

Here’s my answer:

1. You don’t actually know the true current state of your friends’ relationships -  as someone with the inside scoop, trust me when I say, people’s relationships are often not what they appear - even to their closest friends.

2. While they may not have needed a coach to “find” their relationship, they will at some point need that support in their relationship.

3. They may have worked with a coach or therapist and simply never shared about it.

4. If the love thing comes easy for them, I guarantee there’s another area of their life that requires doing “the work”.

5. Mind your own business! What other people experience and don’t experience is none of your business - UNLESS it helps create the picture of what you want. 

Even then.

You need not compare your progress or your life to theirs because it’s not their life you’re living.

Simple as that. 

Comparison is not only the surest way to kill your happiness, it’s also the quickest way to kill your progress. You were two steps ahead, then slowed yourself down when you stopped to take inventory of what x, y, and z were doing. 

If you find yourself needing to pay attention to your love life - OWN IT.

You’re taking the reigns of your life and driving that bus to your dream destination - your passionate partnership.

The women I work with are some of the most fearless women I know. 

With love,

Comparison, Fearless vs- Fearful