The key to a woman with true embodied standards that a man has no choice but to match
She locks the door to her bedroom
Adorns herself with her favorite oils, places rose petals on her bed and seduces herself in the mirror with a sensual dance
She heads over to her bed and takes a bite out of a juicy peach
Licking her lips, tasting it
With her favorite sensual playlist running in the background she undresses herself
She makes love to herself
Slowly and with deep reverence for the wonderland of her body
She asks for permission before entering her temple
She roars
She soars
She is liberated
âŠI ask you to consider, would a woman who adorns and adores herself in this way accept anything less from a man?
A woman who honours her body, her yoni, her temple holds the key to her most expansive love
This is what we are waking up to
I am waking
My clients are waking
The women are raising the bar and the men are responding
This is available for you, too ð