The Key to Courageously Communicating

The root of the word courage is “from the heart.”


We all know that communication is an essential part of relationships. We’ve heard it time and again.


The real key to communication is the courage piece behind it.


Courageous communication can mean so many things. It can be…


The courage to not know and detach from the outcome.


The courage to sit in the unknown.


The courage to get out of your own head and into your body.


The courage to embrace the pause.


The courage to be clear and concise.


The courage to stay open.


The courage to be in a higher standard of love.


The courage to not only talk, but listen.


The courage to trust, sitting in discomfort at times, and being brave enough to see what's on the other side.


The courage to live in uncertainty while feeling your way forward.


The courage to sit with a trigger before responding to it.


The courage to actually speak about a trigger or even acknowledge that it triggers you (or your partner).


Take in the feeling of what it would be like and what it has been like when you've experienced it before, to speak and listen from your heart, to his heart.


Visualize what that would be like, what it would feel like, and how that conversation would flow.


Remember, if you speak your feelings, you’re not giving away your power.


Speaking your feelings is a blessing to you - and definitely, to him.


Tell him courageously how you feel, even how you feel about him and what you would love to see come to fruition.


Then, invite the detachment and get genuinely curious about what's true for him.


That way he knows, what he says won’t make or break you.


I repeat, detachment is key.


It frees you both up to openly speak your truth.


With love,
