The Patriarchy Tells Us Not To Follow Our Hearts

I’m calling bullshit on one of the biggest lies we’ve ever been told as a society –


that our hearts aren’t to be trusted.


This one gets my fire burning.


Because in my experience, the BEST, most expansive decisions I’ve ever made in my life we’re made from my heart.


HEART to me describes making decisions from somewhere in your body where you get your “yes” and “no” cues from.


It’s not from an emotional high or low, but more so from a place that feels like a deep inner knowing.


And our societal patriarchy tells us, we should be making decisions from our minds.


Let’s break down how ass-backwards this ‘thinking” really is.


If we consider the mind to be the brain, we first need to distinguish which part of the brain we’re using –


Is it the amygdala that’s wired for survival and wants to avoid the unfamiliar at all costs?


This is going to have you staying small, and comfortable in your discomfort.


Not making any brave, bold decisions because of what you might find there (this reminds me of the movie The Croods I watched with my son this weekend about a cave man dad who panics at the word NEW!).


Or is it the prefrontal cortex, which is linked to logic?


Logic is great and gets to be part of the decision-making process, but if it’s all logic with no energy behind it, it’s going to be a decision that falls flat.


One you’ll likely soon regret.


In conversation with a friend the other day, who happens to be a scientist, we explored all the best decisions she’s made in her life, from moving across the globe for a partner, to having her child - none made from logic, and both the most expansive decisions she’s ever made.


Every time I make decisions, purely from my logic, it lacks so much life-force that nothing f******g happens.


It’s like climbing a mountain, with no harness or support.


And the process of getting the decision made is downright draining.


Over thinking.

Over complicating.

Distracting and thought consuming.

Pros and cons lists.

Webs of reasons.


When I make my decisions from my “heart” (in my case, they come from my sacral), and then use my logical mind to support the steps that come after the decision, it’s like connecting with Universal magic – the potential of that choice is limitless.


Getting you to drop out of your head and into your heart is literally encoded in my genes (if you know about Gene Keys, my life’s work is Gene key 62).


It’s a scary process at first, because the world would have you believe the mind is your most powerful resource, but something tells me that if you follow my work and resonate with it, it’s because deep down inside you know…


The heart is where it’s at.


With love,
