There Is No One-Size Fits All Formula To Finding Love

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for finding love.

I see a lot of things online like “say this one phrase and he’ll be yours forever” or “do this one thing and he’ll come crawling back to you.”

...I can’t help but cringe.

Because I know that there is no one thing that works for everyone.

We are individuals, designed to interact differently and share our gifts in our own unique ways.

Each and every one of us has their own energetic makeup that’s meant to engage in its own extraordinary way.

So while one woman can very much go up to a man at a party, strike up conversation and have him be the love of her life - that may not work for another.

Not because there’s anything inherently wrong with her or she lacks confidence; simply because it’s not the best approach for her.

She might be more of the lighthouse, drawing men to her.

There’s nothing right or wrong, better or worse about either approach. There may however, be one that’s best for you.

So rather than asking, is it ok to ask a man out – you may want to turn inwards and ask yourself, “what’s the most empowered decision I could make?”

And then, listen.

I hope that when you hear me say, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy, you feel nothing but relief.

Because what opens up, is the opportunity to embrace you.

With love,

Diana Eskander