There's No Manual For How The Holidays Should Be

This holiday season, I invite you to do something totally radical.

To make healthy space for your feelings.

To feel them.

To let them live and breathe.

And…to invite space for miracles.

My experience is the dense emotions, like sadness and loneliness will finally have the space to be. And with this space, they dissipate.

And the lighter emotions, like appreciation and joy, will be felt that much more deeply.

There can be so much pressure around the holidays – for things to look, smell, taste, sound and feel a certain way.

But I promise you, there is no manual on how the holidays are supposed to be.

I invite you to detach from how things should be, and simply let them be.

And with this relaxing and allowing, who knows, you may even enjoy yourself more fully.

My wish is that wherever and with whomever you find yourself this holiday season, that you can rest easy, release control, and lean into your life.

I have a sneaking suspicion that when you do so, you may find love in the most surprising of places.

With so much love from my heart to yours. This holiday season and way beyond.


Diana Eskander