A Perfect Time To Practice Receiving

Whether you’re a man, woman or anything in between, receiving is a deep spiritual practice of being in your feminine.

Receiving asks you to -

…relax and open to the goodness that’s in front of you.

…believe in your inherent deservingness.

…allow someone the gift of giving to you.

…know that your worth is not in what you give and do, but rather in who you be.

This is a perfect time of year to lean into the practice of receiving.

And I don’t just mean from people.

You can receive your meals with more presence and appreciation.

Or really feel the music, for example.

A few things I’m allowing myself to receive over the holidays.

*Moments of pleasure, snuggled up on the couch watching Christmas movies with my little family.

*Delicious meals without worrying what they’ll do to my waistline.

*My parents and sister hosting Christmas dinner and brunch.

*My sister offering to have our son stay with her for a few days (both as a way for her to bond with her nephew and to offer us some relief as we find our rhythm as a new family of 4).

*The support of my team who’s been running School of Love ™ while I take a month off.

*Thank you cards and messages expressing gratitude to myself and School of Love.

What will you allow yourself to receive this holiday season?

With love,
