Too Much Sugar Ruins The Recipe

I can so clearly recall struggling with a boyfriend in my early twenties. Desperately seeking answers to my most burning questions:


“How do I get him to love me the way I deserve?”


“How do I get him back?”


“I know I’m a catch, but why doesn’t he seem to see that?”


I searched online as we often do when we’re avoiding looking within, and came across an e-book that claimed it would help answer these questions for me.


I can’t for the life of me remember the name of the book, but I do so clearly recall this one line that rang immediately true for me:


“Too much sugar ruins the recipe.”


It may have been the only gem in the book, but it this one was worth the bad read.


The idea that being too nice and giving too much could turn a man off and ruin the relationship, took me by storm.


It made perfect sense.


A part of me always knew this to be true.


But, I never allowed myself to acknowledge it fully, until that day.


I started to observe the delicate dance between showing up for someone I cared about, and self-abandonment – caring more for his needs than my own self-respect.


It was an uncomfortable dance, to say the least.


But it sent me on a path of self-discovery that would not only change my love-life, but that would open up a whole path of devotion.


A path where I help women to lean back, move out of their heads and into their hearts.


So that they may receive love, rather than constantly give it.


***Caveat: what you’re over giving isn’t love, it’s fear. But that’s another monologue.


How much do you desire to receive love? From your partner or the one you’re calling in?


What does receiving look and feel like, to you?


Join me for this 6-week live activation, where we untangle your tendency to over give and unlock the gift of receiving.


With love,
