Your Over-giving Is Sabotaging Your Relationships

How hard are you trying inside of your relationships?


How much time today alone have you spent thinking about someone you care about and their needs?


How much energy do you leak worrying about your relationship and love life?


With all this time spent in your head worrying, it’s no wonder relationships feel complex.


The mind is proficient at making things seem impossible.


But your heart…


Oh your heart knows differently.


She feels the truth of things in a way that transcends the mind’s stories.


When you lead with your heart and allow your mind to follow, a whole new way of being in your relationships begins to unfold for you.


You’re more relaxed and open…open to receive.


Receiving isn’t selfish, it’s life giving.


You receive love and expand it in the way only a woman knows how to do.


Your nurturing essence gets to shine through. And let’s be clear, nurturing is not giving and doing.


Nurturing is a way of being.


When you start to see how your over-giving is sabotaging your relationships, you can’t unsee it.


In RECEIVE, my 6-week program, we explore the shadow of over giving, the gift of boundary setting and the divine act of leaning back to receive.


I have two spots left - will you join me?


With love,
