When Women Dare To Reclaim Their Time

Alarm clock

When women dare to reclaim their time - ooh child. The world will be a different place.

When women spend less time worrying about their relationships, about what other people think, about what other people need, about being “perfect” - a massive surge of energy will become available. 

Do you know what happens in the world when we become more “selfish” with our time?

We make more self-centred decisions, that centre around what we value most.

For the women in my orbit, this means:

→ Quality relationships

→ Deeper conversations

→ Connection with nature

→ Social justice

→ Children’s wellbeing

Ladies, this is deeply important, world-changing stuff.

Take a moment to reflect on how much time and energy you lose every day:

 Thinking and worrying about your romantic relationships.

Caring for others more than yourself.

Giving a shit what other people think.

The time for change has come.

A new paradigm in which caring for yourself is your utmost priority is imminent.

Mother earth, children, humanity, each needs the best of you.

Every bit of time you reclaim for yourself presents an opportunity for you to step into your best self, with a ripple effect around the world our minds can’t even fathom.

Spend less time worrying about your relationships (this is where I come in) and more time indulging in yourself.

Make caring for yourself a priority, every single day, and then give to others.

Notice when you’re operating with the intention of being liked, and nip that sh*t in the bud.

You are worthy, and the world awaits you.

With love,