Your Magnetic No Is Leading To Your YES

Recently, a student in my School of Love’s Inner Circle needed support because a man that she had turned down wasn’t taking no for an answer and was coming back full force. 

And she realized it’s a pattern that kept happening to her. 

She says no to a man and he kicks his efforts up to a ten, which makes her even less interested, and in turn, makes him try even harder, as he tries to get her back. 

This situation left her feeling like it must have been a test from the universe. 

She isn’t alone in that feeling.

There are a lot of people out there who feel like the universe is testing them or has it out for them in some way. 

And it’s an enticing notion, right? 

To believe that the universe has this path laid out for us and life is a series of obstacles to get us to that next chapter. 

When those obstacles appear, we need to make sense of them. 

But what if the universe is not actually deciding what you do and don’t deserve? 

What if the universe is actually just handing you information? 

And while I’m posing questions for you, what if you weren’t separate from the Universe?

What if because you are a part of it, you are it and it is you?  

Honestly, I’ve never really bought into the notion that the universe was testing me or trying to uncover what I am or am not ready for in life. 

I think it’s simply providing me with real-time feedback of what I believe, what I feel, or who I am being in a single moment. 

When I look at it in this way, I am able to shift from fear of what’s coming my way and into a deeper sense of trust that the universe is giving me information to move forward with. 

The big U isn’t just trying to make me tap dance my way to the next level or to somehow prove if I’m worthy of taking that next step. 

It’s giving me the power to say yes or no to what is happening in my life. 

And I’m going to let you in on a little secret. 

The more I say NO to something that isn’t in alignment with me, the more I am able to say YES to everything that is in alignment. 

That is when real changes take place. 

And it isn’t just one and done. You continue on your journey, getting new feedback with every step you take. 

Each step you take informs your next step. 

So back to my student - As she is sitting there with us for support, feeling like the universe is testing her in love once again, I asked her to look at it differently. 

I asked her to consider that the Universe isn’t testing her, but actually loves her fully, and is simply offering a mirror. 

This is an opportunity to shift what she is available for and that as she continues to do so, the Universe will continue to lift that mirror up to her, weaving in her new beliefs, feelings, and ways of being. 

And this leaves me to wonder...what keeps showing up in your life that you feel could be a big test from the Universe? And how would it change for you if you shifted your perspective on what you’re available for?  

With love, 
