10xd my Revenue and Dropped the Worry

“If not trust, then what?”

This is what I heard myself saying to a woman inside of the Portal of Love.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not willing to live a life filled with fear, worry and doubt.

Yes, those energies are dense and have had a strong pull on me for what I now has been most of my life.

I’ve been carrying my mother and her mother’s pattern of worry.

What I also know is that trust makes my life and my relationship EASY.

I get to release the reigns and be carried.

It’s radical to trust.

Last month I went into the month of May with the lowest revenue I’ve had in a very long time.

After a quick moment of contraction I drew a line in the sand said, “no, this is going to be a month of miracles.”

We more than 10x’d my revenue by the end of the month.

It sounds crazy.

Almost impossible.

But it was all possible thanks to my trust, combined with my action.

My feminine in union with my masculine.

It’s a strategy in a way because I’ve had to exercise this trust muscle for a while.

To “try” it on by asking, “what if I drop the worry in this moment and choose to trust?”

Trust my


gut feeling



To trust to that the universe is supporting me.

That my partner is going to show up.

Because if not trust then what?

I refuse to live this gorgeous life worried, afraid, fearful, contracted.

Trust is the biggest inspiration to masculine energy.

Who is ready to step into radical trust this month?

I have something so freaking special coming your way soon.

Stay tuned! xx
