For The Woman Who Wants To Feel Attracted To & Excited By Her Man Years Into The Relationship, Here’s What You Need To Know

It’s in the little things.

Like the tiny curl in Jack’s gorgeous mane that reminds me of coming down from my apartment to see him waiting at my front door on our first date.

Or the way he randomly walks into a room and busts into a rap and dance #slimdaddy

And how today when I was on the phone with the government trying to understand why I should pay interest on advance instalments I wasn’t informed of and they’ll only talk to me in French because I live in Quebec and I’m about to lose it then Jack says to me “we got this”.

It’s watching him build our backyard deck and admiring how strong and capable he is.

It’s by intentionally seeing him through loving and turned on eyes which makes it so that I spontaneously see him through those same eyes, more often.

Which creates this effervescent hum of attraction, love and depth to our relationship.

Noticing, showing, telling our appreciation.

And at times, the total opposite because we are humans!

You have hundreds of teeny tiny opportunities each day to choose love over fear.

How many times are you choosing love?

With love,
