You Want Kids. He Doesn't. What Do You Do?

A client recently brought this situation to a call.

She’s been seeing a wonderful man for a couple of months now and right off the bat, he let her know he was undecided about having children.

He’s even had a vasectomy from the time he was married to his ex.

This woman very much wants a family.

And this man, is neither a yes or a no.

This far he’s shown himself to be consistent, reliable, honest and open to growth.

What’s a girl to do?

She went on to say that she also had her ex look her in the eyes and say she would be the mother of his children.

The relationship has come and gone, and still no family or kids.

So there are no guarantees, right?

You might assume I would tell her to go running for the hills.

But few things in life are black and white.

I guided her to where she felt safety within her body.

It felt like blue skies.

I helped her connect to the imagery of the skies and listen…

They told her to trust.

But we didn’t stop there.

Knowing that she has the tendency to justify for others and also knowing she isn’t ready to stop seeing this man, I helped her create her own safety net ~

What does she need to feel safe to keep exploring this connection?

I’ll give you a hint it’s a dance between…

her intuition and her standards.

between being the observer and speaking her truth.





Not so much in him, but very much in herself and life.

Her story has yet to unfold.

But what I can say for sure is she is calibrating to a deeper aspect of herself as she practices seeing things for what they are all while being the chooser.

This is next level mentorship.

This is next level callibration.

This is what’s accessible when you enter my world

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With love,
