I See So Many Women Try To MAKE Their Relationships Better

I see so many women try to MAKE their relationships better.

Babe, you can’t make it better. You be it better.

Here’s how I tend to “work” on my relationship -

I take care of myself.

I take a look at my nervous system - How is my body feeling? Have I been more easily triggered lately? How slow and relaxed am I being? How can I nurture my system?

I take a look at my sexual energy - When was the last time I danced, rolled my hips, felt sexy with myself? How connected or disconnected am I feeling with my body? Am I in pleasure or in pressure? How sexy am I feeling around my partner?

I take a look at my physical body - How’s my exercise, eating and daily movement going? How attractive am I feeling to myself? How do I feel about the way I’ve been taking care of my body?

And yes, of course we integrate all of this into the relationship -

The way you talk to him, look at him, feel in your body around him.

And only make ourselves available for those meet us high.

What I can tell you for sure is who you’re being (your feminine nature) is the key.

The women in my world know this.

It’s not about doing more.

It’s about the gift of getting to be the best you, for you, for him, for “us”.

And if you’re anything like me, you in your best tends to powerfully call forward the best in the other.

And there you have it.

With love,
