The Feminine Energetic That Makes the Masculine Move

It’s hard to trust when the evidence isn’t there.

When you’ve gone on date after date and haven’t met someone you really click with.

When you’ve asked your man to make a change and you see no change in sight.

When you’re desiring more clients in your business and haven’t received any in what feels life forever.

It’s hard to trust when the evidence isn’t there.

And still what I know for sure is we are not given what we want.

We are given what we expect and are an energetic match for -

Your trust IS the way.

It’s the feminine energetic that makes the masculine move. The very thing that turns on his (your inner masculine, your man and God) engines.

It’s your feminine fuel.

How do you trust when there’s no evidence?

You remember that the evidence comes after the trust.

First comes feminine energy, the spark. Then comes the masculine form.

But chances are, you drop the energetic of trust as soon as you don’t see movement.

And just as his engines are picking up, it all comes to a halt once again.

Stay in the trust, beauty.

With love,
