Unpopular Opinion: Fall in Love With Your Man’s Potential

Yes, you read that right.

I’ve always been in love with my man’s potential from our very first date when he told me he imagined a life for himself outside of the usual box.

He had me.

Until this day, I’m in love with this man’s potential.

I know who he is and who he has the capacity to be.

I trust this, I trust him.

What makes it safe for me to do that are his actions and who he’s being, today.

Is this the man I think he’ll always be?

Absolutely not.

I don’t spend significant time with people who aren’t growth oriented.

If you’re with a growth oriented man, he’s going to change - and that’s a fucking great thing.

Love him for who he is today AND for who he’s becoming.

Because when you see a man through that lens, he can’t help but fly.

So yes, I love who my man is today and I love the man I trust he is becoming.

As long as I’m not in waiting energy, this is fuel to his fire.

Your trust means everything to him and collapses the time between who he is and who he’s becoming.

With love,
